Friday, May 2, 2008


I noticed its been over a month since my last post so I thought I'd check in and update you on Myra's status.

Myra is doing well! She's getting stronger and becoming familiar with the layout of the house again and feeling more comfortable with being home, and loving every minute of it!

She was fitted for a prosthesis this week. If you recall, she had a mastectomy in November.

She did have some blood work done today because she's having hot flashes and they can't quite figure out the problem. Let's just say she's beyond the point in her life that she should be having hot flashes. She didn't enjoy them the first time around and she certainly isn't enjoying them this time either.

She'll be going in for another MRI later this month to make sure the liver abscess is still healing.

That's about all. She is reading (books on tape) like crazy and would love a book recommendation if you have anything you think she'd enjoy. She's well read and likes everything from mystery to documentaries.

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