Monday, March 31, 2008


Mrya continues to be at home and is doing fairly well. She is not as strong as she wants or needs to be. She has 8 stairs to climb up and down and she can do 6 pretty easily but the 7th & 8th are really tough.

She also likes the home comfort foods that Curt makes her. Even though she enjoyed the food at Bethesda, its nothing like a home cooked meal.

She's been enjoying some books on tape lately.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Myra is home!

She went home late afternoon on Saturday, marking 4 months and one day in the hospital.

She was very excited today to be home. She checked in with her doctors and she is officially discharged from the hospital.

She's feeling a bit weak but is so happy to be home again!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Looks like Myra is still on track to go home this weekend! She will have a 'trial run' on Saturday night. If she and Curt feel like this is going to be something that they will be able to handle, then she will return to Bethesda Sunday to be officially discharged.

She will have a nurse visit her 3 days a week for in-home therapy.

She is absolutely thrilled and is trying to mentally prepare for living at home again. She is nervous about re-learning the floor plan. She has lost almost 100% of her vision since she's been hospitalized so she'll have to figure out where all the walls and door ways are again.

She can't wait to sleep in her own bed again!

Keep your fingers crossed and say your prayers that everything goes well for Myra's sleep over at home on Saturday!

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Well, it looks like Myra will be going HOME on Friday, March 20, which also marks her 4 month anniversary of hospitalization.

She is obviously looking forward to going home but is also a little frightened of falling both physically and figuratively. She has high expectations for herself and doesn't want to fall short of those.

She had a CT scan Thursday and the liver abscess is shrinking, but still present. It's reduced from 7 mm x 4 mm to 6 x 2.5 mm. She remains on antibiotics to treat this until it is completely gone.

She does still have the drain from the mastectomy and the doctor wants that removed before she goes home. Its a little unexplained why it is still draining. Some days there is a decent amount of draining and the next day there is nothing. They are hoping for that to clear up soon!

She will be having a nurse come in and check up on her when she is at home and will be an outpatient for dialysis.

Let's pray for a great week for Myra so that this time next week, she's sitting in her chair at home instead of the hospital!

Thursday, March 13, 2008


I have great news to report! Myra's therapy is going very well. Well enough that doctors are speaking with Myra about the possibility of transitioning into either a nursing home or HOME within the next couple of weeks!

Tuesday was her first bad day of therapy. Up until Tuesday she's been superwoman at therapy. Tuesday she had a bit of a problem walking and was running into the walls . Other than that she's been doing great with therapy. Myra's therapists are very enthusiastic about her progress. They did not plan on her to be walking this soon.

She is really working on gaining her strength and has been working her arm muscles. She started out with 2 pound weights and has graduated to 3, 4 and 6 pound hand weights. The point is to build endurance and to not hurt herself.

She is finding that her core stomach muscles are the weakest and she is doing special exercise to help strengthen the area.

She is hardly in bed at all, except to nap between therapy sessions. She spend a lot of time sitting in her chair.

The next 2 weeks will be CRUCIAL for Myra. It will be important that she stave's off infections as well as continues to progress nicely with her therapy. Her doctors will then decide if she needs to transition to a nursing home, or has enough strength to go right home.

Of course, she wants to go home but understands and accepts that she may need to transition to a nursing home first. She's 'fine' with that as long as the nursing home stay is therapy oriented.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

3/6 Update

I am SO sorry I've not updated the blog for a couple of weeks. Our laptop needed a repair and we were without it for 2 weeks. It's tough to be so disconnected from the world wide web! I'm back online and ready to report some GREAT news!

Myra successfully fought the infection and is back at Bethesda and gaining lots of strength! She is walking during PT- yesterday she walked 1900 feet!

Today her test was to climb three stairs and she was able to climb TWO! Slowly but surely, she's gaining strength!

Yesterday she had a small procedure with a scope down her throat (this s considered small if you're explaining the procedure and not the one actually going through it :) to find out about the ulcer in her stomach and in a few weeks she will have a colonoscopy o check on the ulcer in the colon. She's not so excited about that one, as you can imagine.

That's about all for now. I'll be in touch and continue to report the wonderful progress Myra is making!