Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Looks like Myra is still on track to go home this weekend! She will have a 'trial run' on Saturday night. If she and Curt feel like this is going to be something that they will be able to handle, then she will return to Bethesda Sunday to be officially discharged.

She will have a nurse visit her 3 days a week for in-home therapy.

She is absolutely thrilled and is trying to mentally prepare for living at home again. She is nervous about re-learning the floor plan. She has lost almost 100% of her vision since she's been hospitalized so she'll have to figure out where all the walls and door ways are again.

She can't wait to sleep in her own bed again!

Keep your fingers crossed and say your prayers that everything goes well for Myra's sleep over at home on Saturday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Myra -

This is amazing news! Keep up the good work and wonderful attitude. We are so happy for you!!

Jason, Stacy & Morgan