Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Myra's spirit has been a little low the last couple of days. She's getting "sick" of infections and other things that set her back.

The doctors think they've discovered the source of her infection. A PT scan shows that there is an abscess in her liver. They wanted to operate today to insert a drain today but her INR levels were bad. Not sure what INR technically stands for, but it means her blood clotting abilities. Unfortunately her levels were unacceptable for surgery. She received 2 bags of frozen plasma to help thicken her blood.

If her clotting levels rise tomorrow then she will have surgery to have the drain placed.

She did have dialysis today and that was successful.


Robin said...

Hi Myra and family-Sounds like things are progessing. Finding the source of infection is good and it is good they could dialyse on Tuesday. I think of you often and look forward to our next visit. Today Steffany turned 19, wow, it is so hard to believe. It has been a long time since the day of the carrotts in the purse! Keep strong. See you soon.


Anonymous said...

We are all thinking of you Myra. Have sweet dreams tonight and I will talk to you again soon.

Thank you, thank you Kelly for keeping us updated on Myra's condition.