Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Monday & Tuesday

Myra is feeling pretty good the last two days. She had dialysis on Monday along with 2 sessions of physical therapy.

Tuesday she had more therapy and she is really, really sore from starting to use muscles again. She said everything hurts, including her neck where she had whip lash years ago. Going from lying flat on your back for 5 1/2 weeks to slight movement will do that to a person.

Her blood pressure dipped in the middle of the night and "Dr. Myra" thinks its because she's getting too much insulin. She and her doctor consulted and he concurred with her that she is possibly getting too much insulin, so they've cut back slightly.

I say "Dr. Myra" but with a level of seriousness. She really is her own advocate and knows her body best. If we had listened to one of her kidney specialists who suggested to stop dialysis only 3 weeks ago, she probably wouldn't be with us anymore. Myra said "Everybody keeps telling me I'm getting worse, but I feel better and I want to fight".

Fight Myra,Fight!


Henderson said...

Myra - you are so inspiring, I wish I had half your strength. Love the blog, I check it often to see how your doing. You are always in our prayers.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Myra! So glad to hear that you are FIGHTING this every step of the way. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Nice to see some good news!! Glad you hear your standing and increasing your movement. Keep up the spirits you doing great!


Lynn said...

Myra - I don't know if you remember me, but I used to know you from VLR and now I work for Hennepin County. I am glad to hear that you are improving. There are so many people who admire, respect and NEED you. All of us appreciate your efforts at getting stronger. Thank you!! Best wishes that you just keep getting better and better each day. Lynn Neumeister